I see the future way of working with AI and I like it!
Imagine starting a business by just writing out tasks and an AI agency executes them all with the correct combination of AI and human labor.
Recently I started working on a soon-to-be-launched sub-brand for my Reviv D2C company and i’m calling it ‘Remodel’.
It is basically the same product but for a different segment of the market as it targets not health issues but rather folks that are mainly concerned about aesthetics, ie. the looksmaxxing crowd. The ones that love mewing lol.
Anyway, I mention it because I started going through the process of setting up a new Clickup space, organizing the folders, creating the initial tasks, etc.
A process that I’ve done many times before and I really enjoy doing. Because I feel like i’m structuring how the company will work.
And as I created some of the initial tasks i thought to myself… “It would be great if I had zero people in this company. Rather literally everything is done by some combination of outsourcing agency and AI.”
I liked the idea so much as it gave me a glimpse into how I think companies will work in the not-so-distant future.
And it also became the subject of today’s article :)
What if you could just write any task and it got done?
The way I imagined it happening is that I set up my Clickup board as normal and started describing tasks.
Then as soon as I changed the status to ‘prioritised’ then the AI/outsource agency would look at it.
They’d determine if it could be done completely by AI or whether it needed to be done by a human. Or perhaps some hybrid of the two. For example AI does the initial draft but then a human checks and corrects it.
Based on that analysis they’d price the task and i, as their customer, would be notified that it for example costs $100. Which i’d approve.
Then the task would get done and updates would be made as comments on the task.
Sometimes the AI would make these comments automatically as they progressed whereas other times a human would make them.
What kind of tasks are we talking about here?
Basically anything. I’ll use some of the tasks i created for Remodel as an example:
Create a logo
Create an account on Whop.com (a sort of marketplace of paid communities) and populate it with content
Start a Tiktok and a Youtube channel and start creating video content to post to it. Find some relatively cheap creators to make this content at <$20 per clip.
Create a X.com and Instagram account and start also populating it with content. Make sure there are at least 1-2 posts per day.
Purchase an additional 300 mouthguards from my Chinese supplier and have it delivered within two weeks to my fulfilment center.
Set up some basic accounting books so that I can see my weekly P&L in a clear way.
Ensure that there any comments that are paid by customers/audience on either Whop or any of the social channels are responded to within 12 hours.
I think you get the point.
But think to yourself…. imagine setting up and running a business was really this easy?
You’re just writing up tasks and they get done!
Hell… i could start two different businesses in a single afternoon! hahahaha
What managing your business looks like?
So imagine all of these tasks above are getting done and i’m the lone CEO/manager in this company.
I will get a constant stream of clickup updates that i’ll review and accept, or perhaps ask adjustments on.
For example:
Initial logo is posted to the task and I ask them to change the colors.
A Whop.com account is set up and populated and i’m asked to review the initial few content. I take a look and ask them to adjust the content style a bit.
The first few Tiktok posts are drafted and I’m asked to review them before they get posted. I ask them to change the script a bit.
Basically your job as the business owner is to just sit in front of your clickup inbox and respond to these updates when they come in. No meetings needed!
Then at the end of the week you get a bill from your agency that it for example costed you $1500 that week. You see a breakdown by task and on each task you see what percentage was done by AI vs. human.
On some of the tasks you ask that they try to reduce the human component so that the costs come down further.
Does this sound like fairyland?
To some of you it might. But to those of you that have been staying on top of all that is happening in the AI space this probably almost sounds easy.
You’re probably thinking to yourself… “Hell…. this can almost be done right now with the current state of AI.”
And you’d be right!
But there would be some work involved in putting it all together so that it was a seamless experience for the business owner.
Which I’m sure some companies out there are already working on.
What does this mean for the future of human workers?
Well to an entrepreneur like me it means I’m not hiring any employees. What the hell for?
As long as the quality of the work was good i’d rather not bother even knowing which humans are involved in doing the tasks. I’ll leave that to the agency that is managing the process.
And so if more and more companies work like this… many humans will migrate from being employees to being sort of freelancers in these AI-enabled agencies that do the operations for lots of companies.
You might be thinking to yourself… why do the humans have to shift? Why not just build these capabilities in the companies where they work now?
And my answer to that would be that I don’t think most companies will have the AI prowess to operate like this anytime soon. They’re much more likely to outsource it to these agencies who are experts on knowing exactly which AI tools to use to complete which tasks.
But is it all negative for the future of human workers?
I don’t think so.
Because i think a lot more businesses will be created.
It makes it a lot easier, faster and less risky to start a business.
Because one of the biggest reasons businesses fail is the people that they hire are the wrong ones or do a bad job. And in a way you are taking that component out of the equation.
In a way it’s like we’re coming full circle. During the middle ages pretty much everyone was an entrepreneur. Then in the last 100-200 or so years most people shifted to working for large organizations.
Initially it was factories and then it was large corporates.
But I think corporates are gonna lose a lot of ground in this next fifty years. Because small, individual operators, will create businesses that hit the niches much better and faster than they do.
And the moats that they had will have dried up because almost everything would be accessible via a platform.
For example it was hard to compete against Hershey’s with your own chocolate bar in the past because you needed a lab to do R&D, a factory to produce them, etc.
Now you don’t need any of that as it’s available via platforms. And folks like MrBeast have come in with their own brands and are leveraging their audience to kick some ass.
Making the ability to create and engage an audience one of the last major moats for humans.
Closing thoughts
If you watch business podcasts on Youtube like I do you’ll notice that literally everyone and their brother is talking about ‘AI agents’ now.
It is the major theme in 2025.
And I agree with them. I think it’s going to be massive and it’s going to change everything.
But with this article i’m adding a couple of twists to how I see this playing out.
I’m saying that I think we will use intuitive project management systems like Clickup to write up the tasks and get updates on them.
And i’m saying that agencies that provide the AI will also have to be able to offer hybrid solutions where certain things are either done or reviewed by humans. Thus mixing the idea of an outsouced staffing agency with an AI agency.
Because we’re still a ways off from having a pure AI experience be seamless in my view.
But am I excited for how this plays out?
Definitely! I think these AI agents fit perfectly into what I’ve been talking about here with the “Beast Method”.
It’s like a match made in heaven!!!! :)